About Us

Follow along with us on our travels with our motor home. Minnesota is our home, but we go south for the winter. Yes, we are Snowbirds. We love traveling and want to share our experiences with you. This will be our third time traveling south to avoid the cold Minnesota winters. Our travels began in late October with the first destination of Concord, New Hampshire, and New Haven, Connecticut, to visit family before heading south and will eventually get to Arizona before returning to Minnesota in April.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mt. Rubidoux Memorial Park

Since we didn't do anything yesterday we thought we should go for a walk today.  There is a big hill near us with a large cross at the top, we thought we would investigate.  Turns out it's an awesome hiking trail, very popular with walkers, joggers, and moms pushing strollers, and people walking their dogs (it's too bad that in spite of the efforts by the park people to provide several garbage cans and poo bag dispensers we still saw a lot of poo piles along the way).  

Frank A. Miller
Mt. Rubidoux Memorial Park 
This is supposed to be a "trail of shrines" leading to a long white cross honoring missionary Father Junipero Serra credited, by early developers anyway, for "the beginning of civilization in California."

Looking down from the top to our RV park below.
It's in the very center of the picture.

American Flag
The Cross
1.5 miles to the top and 1.5 miles back down.  It was 81 degrees (but it was a dry heat) an excellent day for a walk, and the trail was not too steep.  There are a few rewards for you when you get to the top, and American flag, the cross, and the Peace Tower and Friendship Bridge.  Frank Miller - the owner/creator of the Mission Inn in downtown Riverside, was a lifelong advocate for world peace and his friends constructed the distinct tower to honor him in 1925.
Peace With Justice For All Men
Anno Domini 1925
This bridge was built by
neighbors & friends of
Frank Augustus Miller
in recognition of his
constant labor in the
promotion of civic beauty,
community righteousness
world peace.
World Peace
During the
equestrian games
of the 10th Olympiad
Lt. Col. Shunzo Kido
turned aside from
the prize to save
his horse.
He heard the low voice
of mercy, not the loud
acclaim of glory.
Erected by
Riverside Humane Socy.
Unveiled in the presence of
H.I.H. Prince Tsunenori Kaya

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