About Us

Follow along with us on our travels with our motor home. Minnesota is our home, but we go south for the winter. Yes, we are Snowbirds. We love traveling and want to share our experiences with you. This will be our third time traveling south to avoid the cold Minnesota winters. Our travels began in late October with the first destination of Concord, New Hampshire, and New Haven, Connecticut, to visit family before heading south and will eventually get to Arizona before returning to Minnesota in April.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Silly Texas

The painted up Cadillac cars I posted about yesterday were on the west side of Amarillo, TX.  In nearby Conway, TX, east of Amarillo we found these five Volkswagen Beetles nose down in the ground, an obvious spoof to the Cadillac Ranch.  A nearby old car got the paint work as well.  An old building there also got the paint.

VW Slug Bug Ranch
Old Car Paint Job
 And then we learned that just south of Amarillo, in Canyon, TX, are several retired combines sunk in the ground at an angle. Another spoof.  We did not drive down there to see them, so I just snatched this picture off the Internet for you to see.  I don't know if they've been spray painted up or not.

We drove as far as Blackwell, Oklahoma, and will spend the night in the Walmart lot there.

1 comment:

  1. Miles Doran / CBS NewsApril 24, 2012 at 2:04 PM

    Hi Marsha and Bernie,
    I work for the CBS Evening News and we're doing a story on the Cadillac Ranch (an update to a classic Charles Kuralt piece). It looks like we actually visited Cadillac Ranch a few days before you guys did.
    For a small part of the story, we're going to show quick snapshots of other sculptures around the country that were inspired by the Cadillac Ranch. I saw your recent photo of the VW Bug Ranch and was wondering if you'd mind if we showed it for a few seconds in our story. Please e-mail me.

    Miles Doran


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