About Us

Follow along with us on our travels with our motor home. Minnesota is our home, but we go south for the winter. Yes, we are Snowbirds. We love traveling and want to share our experiences with you. This will be our third time traveling south to avoid the cold Minnesota winters. Our travels began in late October with the first destination of Concord, New Hampshire, and New Haven, Connecticut, to visit family before heading south and will eventually get to Arizona before returning to Minnesota in April.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Celia's Rainbow Gardens & Nature Trail

We were off to see the sights early this morning.  The first sight we saw was the book store owner, Paul Winer, riding his bicycle to work.  It was cold, so he had on his coat and a hat, but no pants, just his half naked self riding his bike.  I was unable to get my camera ready for a picture in time as we drove by him.

We learned that Paul and his wife had a daughter who died in 1994 of a viral heart infection when she was only 8 years old.  The whole town worked together to help raise money for her funeral.  Her parents were so touched by everyone's kindness that they wanted to give something back--Celia's Rainbow Gardens came to be.  It takes up 8 acres of the 40 acre Quartzsite Town Park on the north side of the town.  With the help of volunteers, it turned into a beautiful memorial garden not only for Celia but for others who have lost loved ones. Many of the cacti, trees, shrubs and fixtures in Celia's Rainbow Gardens were donated by family and friends in memory of loved ones.  We spent some time walking the paths and looking at memorials.  
A wall in Celia's Memorial Garden
 Paths and Memorials

This little village was donated to the Quartzsite Historical Society.
It was restored  by many volunteers and given to Celia's Garden in 2001.
Next, we set out to find "The Great Tree", not far from the Town Park.  After driving around we finally found the trail head that leads to a Native Ironwood Tree that is said to be 1050 years old.
Well Groomed Trail To The Great Tree
The Great Tree
 Our next mission was to find the Fisherman Intaglio, the outline of a fisherman drawn on the desert floor by ancient Indians.  It's about 12 miles by car and a small hike to the hills to see it.  I always thought these things were huge, but this one wasn't so big.
Bouse Fisherman Intaglio or Geoglyph description.

Better seen from the air.
 Back to town for something to eat.  We noticed in the parking lot of the Subway next door a number of VW vans stopped for food.  I got 5 in this picture, but there were a few more on the other side.  Paul, I thought you would like this.
Volkswagon Vans
It was cold and started to sprinkle so we did not do any more shopping at the flea markets today.  Maybe tomorrow.  I haven't bought anything yet!

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