About Us

Follow along with us on our travels with our motor home. Minnesota is our home, but we go south for the winter. Yes, we are Snowbirds. We love traveling and want to share our experiences with you. This will be our third time traveling south to avoid the cold Minnesota winters. Our travels began in late October with the first destination of Concord, New Hampshire, and New Haven, Connecticut, to visit family before heading south and will eventually get to Arizona before returning to Minnesota in April.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We thought we'd get an early start this morning, but right after we got on Interstate 10 the traffic came to a standstill.  We were stuck there for two hours due to road construction, an accident, and rush hour(s).  Finally, we got going and headed west again.  We crossed the Atchafalaya Basin.  This is the largest swamp in the United States.  It stretches nearly 100 miles from North to South, and covers nearly 1 million acres.  I'm not sure how many miles it was but it was a long bridge/causeway across it.

Causeway across the Atchafalaya Basin
About half way across the Basin is a very nice rest area and information center.  We stopped and watched a short video about it all.

At the Rest Area
More Sculptures at the Rest Area

The Atchafalaya Basin
 Not long after that we crossed into Texas.  Only 880 miles to get to the other side.  We are seeing cowboy boots and cowboy hats now.

880 Mile Marker
 The Texas Welcome Center is another nice place to visit.  Behind it is a boardwalk through a swamp restoration project.  The swamp was destroyed when the Interstate was built and changed the water drainage and it dried up.  So now they're trying to restore it.  We did see an alligator there.
Boardwalk Behind Texas Welcome Center

We're staying in another Walmart parking lot tonight.  Tomorrow we'll go through Houston and continue west.  Ugh, I am not looking forward to crossing this state.

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